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Life does not end, it
transforms and continues.
God, our Angels, and Loved Ones are always
with us. 

- Maura

“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.”
John 14:1, 2

About Maura

Spiritual Advisor, Angel Communicator, Author and Energy Healer

Growing up I was just like any other child except I would feel and hear things that I did not understand,  and that truly frightened me. In my teen years, I tried very hard to ignore it but it always managed to work its way into my life.

      When I was in my mid-twenties my connection and faith to God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit became very strong, along with my belief in Angels.   I started to feel, hear, and see things more often.  Ten years ago when someone whom I loved very much passed away, I then could no longer ignore this ability.  I was forced to acknowledge this and learn how to use this to help others heal and this is the path I believe I am meant to follow. 

     Most of my learning has come from my Archangels and Jesus Christ, I am able to do this work only with the love and guidance of God.

      I am guided through the Archangels, and the Love and Light of God, to connect with your loved ones on the other side. Angels are the beautiful beings of light that God put here to guide us through our journey of life and they are the beings that guide me with God's work.       I do not, nor do I try to tell the future, as I feel that is not my purpose. I am here to ensure that the loving messages from your loved ones are received.  I make no promises but only that I will do my best to connect you with your loved ones which have transitioned home to our Father.      

Sky Full of Light

Love bears all things
    Believes all things
           Hopes all things
                 Endures all things
                      Love never fails

- 1 Corinthians 13.7
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What you will receive from a Session

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Reconnecting to God

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Peace and Closure

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Life continues 

beyond this life.

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Angelic Messages

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that Love is Eternal

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"God's Love is like an 0cean; you can see the

beginning, but not its end." 

-Rick Warren

Maura's conversation with God

"Meeting with Maura created for me and my family an opportunity to connect with our loved ones, and to learn that they do remain in our lives in ways we don't see. She explained the journey each of our souls takes and the many angels who help us along the way. She has a gift and goodness and kindness that is genuine.  Her passion is so obviously to help people - and that makes the time spent with her Extraordinary."

- Randi

"Maura has a truly special gift. Maura provided me with closure on an issue I have been struggling with for 25 years. Her approach and her readings are thoughtful, honest, and full of love and empathy. Maura allowed me to forgive and begin the healing that I so desperately needed. There is a comfort that I know have. For this, I am so thankful to Maura for sharing her gift with me! "

- Jill

"Maura is "the real deal". I have spoken with, met with and spent many hours with other mediums over the last 20 years or so. No one has ever made me feel or given me the amount of helpful information that Maura delivered. I felt comfortable, confident and relaxed in speaking with her. I wish everyone I knew would have a chat with her so they can feel what I felt! Thank you times a million! "

- Adrienne

My Journey with Jesus Christ

Music Sheets and a Cross
(Click to purchase)
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  "Since I was a young child I have always had a close connection to Jesus Christ without truly knowing why."

  "it was actually a past life regression CD. He had told us to continue with the meditation and as we went back in time I found myself in the time of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.  I was watching this through the eyes of a young 13-year old girl, eventually realizing that was me in a past life.  As Jesus was walking past I tried to give him water and I was kicked out of the way by a soldier,"

  "The young girl was crying because she could see the anguish and pain Jesus was in, but she was not able to do anything."

  "Whether you believe in Jesus Christ or not you must admit he was an astonishing person and someone certainly to look up too.  He shared his love with humanity, can we share ours in the same way?"

  "Putting my faith aside and looking at the way this man lived his life I can truly say I aspire to be more like him.  If you stop for a minute and think "would I offer my life to save the life of a stranger?" I do not know that I would be that person, but I can certainly try to be as kind and loving as Jesus was."

True beauty shines from within.

Shine your light across the world.

This is eternal life; a life of everlasting love, showing itself in everlasting good works; and whosoever lives that life, he lives the life of God, and hath eternal life.  - Charles Kingsley

Upcoming Events

  • An Evening with Maura Geist Spiritual Medium
    An Evening with Maura Geist Spiritual Medium
    Mon, Sep 16
    The 808 Bistro
    Sep 16, 2024, 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM
    The 808 Bistro, 808 Scarsdale Ave, Scarsdale, NY 10583, USA
    Sep 16, 2024, 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM
    The 808 Bistro, 808 Scarsdale Ave, Scarsdale, NY 10583, USA
    Join us for an evening of great food and inspirational and healing messages
  • Heavenly Messages with Maura
    Heavenly Messages with Maura
    Wed, Oct 16
    Westchester County
    Oct 16, 2024, 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM
    Westchester County, 1000 W Hill Dr, Somers, NY 10589, USA
    Oct 16, 2024, 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM
    Westchester County, 1000 W Hill Dr, Somers, NY 10589, USA
    Join us for an evening of great food and inspirational and healing messages.
  • An Evening with Spiritual Medium Maura Geist
    An Evening with Spiritual Medium Maura Geist
    Sat, Oct 19
    An Evening with Spiritual Medium Maura
    Oct 19, 2024, 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM EDT
    An Evening with Spiritual Medium Maura, 156 River Rd, Willington, CT 06279, USA
    Oct 19, 2024, 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM EDT
    An Evening with Spiritual Medium Maura, 156 River Rd, Willington, CT 06279, USA
    Join us for an evening of inspirational and healing messages as Maura connects to your loved ones that have passed.
  • Heavenly Messages with Maura
    Heavenly Messages with Maura
    Sun, Oct 27
    My Happy Place
    Oct 27, 2024, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
    My Happy Place, 3023 Jericho Turnpike, East Northport, NY 11731, USA
    Oct 27, 2024, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
    My Happy Place, 3023 Jericho Turnpike, East Northport, NY 11731, USA

All Dogs do go to Heaven
(My Story)

One Tuesday evening I was laying in bed watching television when I heard my dog (Champ, an 85 lb Boxer) get up to do his nightly house check.  Suddenly I heard a loud thud, I got up and ran into my hallway where I saw my dog lying on the floor scrambling to stand up. I picked him up and helped him to his bed. We were all beside ourselves to see him in pain. I decided to call our family friend who was also our veterinarian. He came over and recommended bringing him in to the animal hospital early that morning.

The next morning my cousin and I took him to the hospital, it was determined that Champ had Lung Cancer and should be put down. At that moment my heart broke how can I put my soul mate (yes it is a dog) down. He had been there for the biggest events in my life and he walked every step with me.

As the process began I hugged him and began crying and saying the Lord's prayer. Suddenly I heard the most amazing singing, it was like nothing I have ever heard before.  I looked up and there were two of the most beautiful Angels descending and then I saw both my mother-in-law and father-in-law (who are passed) standing by Champ. In an instant, the most amazing doorway opened up and Champ's Soul popped out of his body.  He was a 2-year-old puppy again, he went running through that doorway with the two Angels and my in-laws.  At that moment I could see him running and playing in this beautiful glowing green field which was covered with flowers but the grass and the flowers were alive giving off this beautiful sound almost like they were singing. That was the clearest vision of Heaven that I was ever allowed to see.

When I asked Archangel Michael why I was allowed to see that, his answer to me was "So that you would know that all that God has created is so loved and everything  returns to him in Heaven.  From rocks, to trees, to animals and human beings, God loves all things he has created and they all returns home to him."


In the end, Love is all that matters!

Contact Maura

Patterson, New York 12563"> - Tel. 845-216-7537

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